The answer to why I haven’t been posting workout videos…

The answer to why I haven't been posting workout videos...

The answer to why I haven’t been posting workout videos…

It’s true. I haven’t posted a workout video in a long time. And you know what? It’s been nice.

Nice because it’s the first time in 13 years of being online that no one has said something mean about my body.

Posting that first video in 2009, I was so scared that someone would comment on my form. But it wasn’t my technique they were after, it was the way I looked. It’s sad that what started out as me very simply teaching Pilates to my students turned into an open forum for body shaming.

Why don’t you have abs?
Why is your butt flat?
Why do you have hip dips?
You’re getting fat.
You’re too skinny.
You don’t look like other trainers.
Where’s your muscle?
Now you look like a man.
Your workouts must not work if you look like that.
If you cared about your career, you’d lose weight.

Stepping away momentarily from the fitness industry has made me realize what a toxic environment I had been living in daily. No more people pushing their ideologies down my throat and telling me how I should look or how I should eat or how stupid I am for not listening to them. In fact, this hiatus has given me the space and breathing room to re-nurture my relationship with food, fitness, and my body.

With the negative chatter silenced, I can now focus on what my body is telling me I need. Not what other people are yelling at me about.

I’ve been having so much fun spending my time driving the product development forward as both POPFLEX and Blogilates brands are growing rapidly.

I’m in a major design groove and feel so in alignment. These days, it feels weird to not be afraid to open my comments. Before I’d have to take a deep breath and brace my body for the hurtful and sometimes hateful comments.

Anyway, here’s my first workout video in a looooong time. Let’s see how this goes.

The workout:

Ps: My sliders are the new Blogilates ones at Target! You can get ‘em online at or in-store! If you don’t have sliders, use towels on hardwood or paper plates on carpet!

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