Can we stop treating our bodies like fast fashion?

Can we stop treating our bodies like fast fashion?

Can we stop treating our bodies like fast fashion?

@blogilates So can we stop treating our bodies like fast fashion k thx #beautystandard ♬ Blade Runner 2049 – Synthwave Goose

I saw a pic of Khloe Kardashian recently and boy does she look different. I mean, she looks incredible, but people are claiming she removed her butt implants! Which made me think…uh oh…it’s time for a shift in the female beauty standard 🙄

So, let’s revisit this experiment that I originally published in 2018:

What I would look like if I had the “perfect body” throughout history.


Small waist, big butts, wide hips, thicc thighs, tiny waists, and full lips are in! There is a huge surge in plastic surgery for butt implants thanks to the rise of Instagram booty models. Even cosmetic surgery doctors have become IG-famous for reshaping women.


All I remember is someone asking me for a thigh gap workout on Tumblr. I didn’t even know what that was. Then…the thigh gap became a full fledged obsession for girls all across the internet.


Big boobs and flat stomachs are in. Breast augmentation is the highest performed cosmetic surgery in the United States in this era. 👙 It’s the age of the Victoria’s Secret Angel.


THIN IS IN. Having angular bone structure, looking emaciated, and being super skinny is what’s dominating the runways and the magazine covers. Its called “heroin chic”.


The hourglass shape is in. ⏳ Elizabeth Taylor‘s 36-21-36 measurements are the ideal. Marilyn Monroe’s soft voluptuousness is lusted after. Women are advertised weight gaining pills to fill themselves out. Playboy magazine and Barbie are created in this decade.


Appearing boyish, androgynous and youthful, with minimal breasts, and a straight figure is in! Women are hiding their curves, and are doing so by binding their chests with strips of cloth to create that straight figure suitable for flapper dresses.


The Italian Renaissance – Looking full with a rounded stomach, large hips, and an ample bosom is in. Being well fed is a sign of wealth and status. Only the poor are thin.

And here we are in 2022. Can we finally stop treating female bodies like fast fashion? It’s time.

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