*deep breath* Big changes. – Blogilates

*deep breath* Big changes. - Blogilates

*deep breath* Big changes.

Hey guys,

Life has been CRAZY. I am not sleeping, my skin is starting to break out big time, I barely have time to work out, and I’ve been having wild dreams about sinking boats, marching Diplodocus dinosaurs, not being able to find Sam, and me desperately trying to save people from drowning. It has been INTENSE.

I have been fully consumed and almost eaten alive by product development and the growth of my brands. I would not ask for anything different (everything that is happening is so cool!) but…it’s A LOT. Even for crazy Cassey.

To make things EVEN crazier, I have been prepping a full-on evolution for my blog 😅

My blog has always been my diary and my safe space for sharing my deepest feelings and most vulnerable experiences. I can’t believe how much we have been through together: from my bikini competition to my wedding planning to my 90 Day Journeys and throughout ALL of my emotional breakdowns from various terrible internet bashings…you’ve been with me, reading and supporting all along.

As I continue to get busier and busier, I hate that I can’t write as much as I once did. I hope to find some level of balance in my life again so that I can make time to sit down and just feel my feelings. I need that so badly. Even writing this today feels so therapeutic.

Anyway, back to the evolution I was telling you about – my blog is going to be going on it’s own journey! I have been back and forth on this idea for years now and finally, this year, I decided that it was time.


*deep breath*

For the first time ever, I am introducing some very, very special people (and friends) to blog alongside me on blogilates.com.

OMG scary I KNOW.

Do not worry, I AINT going anywhere. I will still be blogging as much as I can but my plan is to nourish you with more quality articles from experts in nutrition, fitness, wellness, girl-topics etc. that all have that same Blogilates vibe of rawness, realness, and unfiltered vulnerability. Honestly, I am excited that I get to go on my own blog and read/learn something new everyday!

I promise you that there will be no stupid, superficial listicles and clickbaity articles. There will only be posts that are rich with feeling and learning. Some of the bloggers err writers err Blogiwriters (!?) may even be embarking on 90 Day Journeys of their own that you can follow along with. What I love is that every person will have their own backstory, their own special ways of bring value into your life, and my hope is that you can find someone that you can really relate with on a deep level.

I am excited to see where this journey will lead us. As always, I want your honest opinion as we grow through these changes. Tell me what you love, what you don’t love, and how we can evolve together.

Soooo….you ready for this??

Source by www.blogilates.com

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