Sexual Health: This Is How Sassy Spices Boost Your Physical Intimacy With Your Partner

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A healthy happy relationship brings a sense of satisfaction, joy, and connection to our lives. Sexual wellness, one of the most important aspects of life, besides playing a function of procreation, also contributes to overall verdure in many ways. Sexual health emerges as an important component of overall well-being and every human needs to know the significance of owning your right to pleasure. Since physical intimacy plays a major role to keep us hale and hearty, a million-dollar question remains as to what it takes to have a healthy, happy, love life. While there are no fixed answers, multiple factors contribute to this component and one of the most important is consuming a healthy diet. Fortunately, there are many prolific herbs and spices available on this planet that not only amplify our wellness quotient but also help spice up dormant sex life.

Also, Read Vajikaran: 5 Spectacular Ayurvedic Herbs To Boost Your Libido And Sexual Life – Infographic

How Micronutrients Pump Up Sex Drive?

While a variety of factors contribute to boosting sex drive in both men and women, some essential vitamins and minerals are most important to upkeep sex drive. Certain plant-based diets have the potential to increase orgasm in both males and females by increasing the blood flow to the sex organs, releasing histamines, and thus getting the body ready for pleasure.  A diet rich in vitamins and minerals along with a dash of certain spices works amazingly well for your sexual urge.


These nitrogen-based compounds relax arteries and blood vessels to help more blood get to the heart. The deficiency of nitrates causes a low sex drive in women. It creates feelings of peace, happiness, pleasurable touching, and relaxation. Feel very sexual and enhances a sense of touch. Nitrates are found in celery, iceberg lettuce, beetroot, spinach, parsley, collard greens, and radishes. The nitrates are converted into nitric oxide in the body which causes ‘cause corpus cavernosum,’ a spongy erectile tissue in the blood vessel to relax and become filled with blood causing an erection.


Magnesium is another fabulous mineral to keep your sex hormones like testosterone, progesterone, and neurotransmitters like dopamine and epinephrine levels high by regulating the urge to have sex. Increase your dopamine diet by having green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, and broccoli to escalate your arousal and make your sex more pleasurable.


Lack of zinc in your diet causes infertility and loss of sexual desire since zinc deficiency have been linked to low testosterone levels in the blood. To enhance your passion and the hots, one must include foods like legumes, lentils, and beans in the diet.

Vitamin E

Also known as the sex vitamin, Vitamin E helps boost libido. Spinach, asparagus, sweet potatoes, and chickpeas contain significant amounts of Vitamin E. 


Low sex drive is also linked to iron deficiency.  Since iron is necessary to deliver oxygen to your cells, low iron levels cause fatigue resulting in low libido levels. Iron deficiency will lessen lubrication, and sexual arousal and prevents heightened sexual desire and orgasm. Have foods rich in iron like leafy greens, tofu, and lentils to fill up your iron levels.

Also Read: Sexual Health: 10 Effective Ways To Pep-Up Your Sex Life

Over and above a meal consisting of leafy greens and legumes, to get the required Vitamins, a phenomenal range of spices lay on the kitchen shelves to enhance excitement and pep up your love life. If you are in pursuit of sexual pleasure, count on these natural aphrodisiacs.

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