Indian startup HealthPlix releases mobile EMR app

Indian startup HealthPlix releases mobile EMR app

HealthPlix Technologies, a health tech startup from India, has launched a mobile version of its AI-enabled EMR platform.

Now available on Android and iOS devices, HealthPlix Spot allows doctors to have real-time access to their patients’ information. It also offers them the ability to launch a virtual clinic with a dedicated appointments booking site for patients and where doctors can accept prepaid appointments.

It is packed with multiple features, including the ability to create and share a digital visiting card with a link to appointment booking with their patients. The app enables physicians to keep track of their daily schedules and manage their appointments and availability. It can also send automated reminders to patients for follow-ups. 

The app also has a telehealth feature that allows doctors to conduct teleconsultations and send digital prescriptions via text or WhatsApp. They can also get AI-enabled smart recommendations while filling prescriptions. 

Additionally, doctors can share updates and changes to appointments, as well as send awareness and greeting messages in bulk through the app.


HealthPlix’s latest tech offering is part of its strategy to deliver better healthcare in remote areas of India. The mobile app, according to Subhadeep Mondal, VP for Products, is not another companion app but a “standalone, mobile-first, and easy-to-use” EMR designed for the Indian doctor. 

“Any doctor in India can instantly unlock remote care capabilities and adopt this EMR on mobile that has zero infrastructure requirements,” he added.

Burhanuddin Pithawala, HealthPlix head for growth marketing, said they believe doctors need agile and mobile solutions to drive health outcomes. “With zero barriers to adoption, we are empowering doctors not only in metros but in rural India”. To date, the mobile EMR app has been accessed by doctors in over 350 Indian cities.


The launch of the HealthPlix Spot app follows the release of ROBIN last year in October. The analytics tool on the HealthPlix EMR platform features the Doctor Insights dashboard, a doctor-facing user interface for tracking critical aspects of patient visits, including patient demographics, visit trends, and insights around follow-ups. 

The startup’s counterpart in Australia, Global Health, has also recently released a companion EMR app to its MasterCare EMR solution. The MasterCare Connect app provides online and offline access to critical patient information at the point of care.

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