Salutary Uses, Health Benefits of This Succulent, Sumptuous Fruit- Recipes Inside

Mango and passionfruit swirl smoothie

An important part of a healthy eating pattern and source of many indispensable nutrients, fruits are an inevitable part of our platter when it comes to following a wholesome nutritious diet regime. Thanks to our bountiful nature for bringing such amazing elixirs into our lives. Amongst plenty of options readily available to us, one fabulous flowering tropical vine yields a medium-sized purplish fruit known as passion fruit. A slender vine that loves to thrive mostly in warmer climates is native to Southern Brazil, Paraguay, and Northern Argentina and bears this lovely, luscious fruit in two bright colours-one is purple and other is the yellow. This fruit which also goes by the scientific name Passiflora is tangy in taste and citrus in nature.

Passion fruit is yet to find its place in the Indian household where it is not very popular as compared to its other similar cousins. Passion fruit, also called purple granadilla is wrinkled skin, shaped like an egg, and has a green mushy substance. Owing to its unique fragrance and taste, primarily it is used for juices or smoothies. An excellent source of antioxidant content with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, the fruit has powerful anxiolytic benefits due to which it is being used as a supplement in many countries to cure hypochondriasis. Boasting umpteen health benefits, it is replete with significant amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and C and is loaded with fibre and flavonoids as well. Passion fruit has alkaloids that offer potent sedative and antispasmodic benefits. The fruit has high potassium and low sodium profile which calms the blood vessels and maintains a healthy blood flow. A cup of passion fruit contains a whopping 820 mg of potassium, and it can be eaten fresh, juiced, or made into smoothies. It can easily be added to breakfast cereals.

Also Read: Passionflower: Miraculous Skin and Health Benefits You Should Know- Infographic

Are Passion Fruit And Passionflower Same?

Indeed, they are! Passion fruit and passionflower come from the same plant. But not all passion flowers produce fruit. The head of the Passiflora genus, some of its species bear edible fruit and others are simply used for ornamental purposes since they grow very fast, are beautiful, and are a great source of fence covering. The plants that bear fruit are from the family of Passiflora edulis, and they further diverge into two classes, one of them is Passiflora edulis, the one which turns into the purple passion fruit and the second is Passiflora edulis flavicarpa, which turns yellow when it ripens.

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How Passion Fruit Found Its Name?

Many of us must be wondering why this fruit has such a unique and romantic name. While the fruit does boast of some aphrodisiac properties, it certainly does not make you go all passionate. That is not how passion fruit got its name. Passion fruit is native to Amazon and Brazilians, and they called it called Lilikoi, implying ‘to spring forth leaves’. While among European missionaries, the name passion fruit comes from the Hebrew word Passiflora.  Named after the passion of Jesus Christ, these missionaries came to Brazil, and to them, the five stigmas of passionflower resembled five wounds inflicted during the crucifixion of Jesus. Missionaries were also highly inspired by the physical appearance of this plant and found this to be representing three important years when Jesus Christ lived among the masses. As per them, the pointed tips of the leaves represented the Holy Lance, and the tendrils were for whips that hit Jesus Christ. The Latin name thus became Passiflora and when translated into plain English it becomes passionflower. Hence, the fruit that resulted from this flower quite obviously became passion fruit.

Health Benefits Of Passion Fruit

We all know how much this yummy fruit entices our taste buds, but do we know about the many fabulous health and wellness benefits passion fruit offers?  A type of berry, it is one of the most nutrient-dense fruits on the planet. From being effective for diabetes treatment to helping prevent something as grave as cancer, maintaining healthy blood pressure, improving heart health, boosting immunity, decreasing the risk of cognitive decline, aiding gut health, inducing restful sleep, and a lot more; in a nutshell, there are many essential nutrients found in passion fruit that can be helpful to keep many mild to chronic diseases at bay.

Here are some of the benefits this fruit can provide:

Promotes Digestive Health

The passion fruit pulp is rich in dietary fiber that gets your colon moving, leading to more regular bowel movements and aiding better digestion. It improves gut health and in the gut microbiome, the good bacteria can help with better digestion and keep the bad bacteria in check.

Augments Neural Activity

Passion fruit is rich in magnesium which is said to have a powerful impact on the brain cells.  It improves blood flow, specifically to the brain and nervous system. Several nutrients present in this fruit, such as potassium and folate provide many neurological benefits. Folate is linked with reducing the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease and potassium has been linked to promoting blood flow to the brain, enhancing concentration, and delaying cognitive decline.

Strengthen Bones

Passion fruit is a rich source of various minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron which are potent bone-strengthening minerals and play a major role in making bones strong and healthy. Passion fruit also has impressive anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce joint pains. Thanks to its magnesium, potassium, and sodium content, eating passion fruit regularly can increase bone mineral density and prevent early symptoms of osteoporosis.

Also Read: Butter Fruit /Avocado: Nutrition, Health Benefits, Keto Diet, Uses For Skin And Recipes

Alleviates Asthma Symptoms

Extracts of purple passion fruit peels have proved to be very beneficial for asthma, one of the most prevalent chronic health conditions. An oral administration of a flavonoid-rich extract from purple passion fruit may provide wheezing relief amongst asthmatics besides helping to reduce cough and improve shortness of breath in adults and among children.

Reduces Blood Pressure

Passion fruit boasts many cardiovascular benefits. One compound in passion fruit is piceatannol. Piceatannol seems to be moderated by the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the polyphenol which has been shown to lower blood pressure. Balanced blood pressure levels keep the body away from many heart ailments and prevent heart attacks.

Prevents Macular Degeneration

Passion fruit is a substantial source of Vitamin A. Hence, it helps to take care of vision problems that occur due to a deficiency of this vitamin. Eating this fruit reduces the risk of cataracts, night blindness improves eye health, and cures severe problems related to macular degeneration.

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Skin Care Benefits Of Passion Fruit

While passion fruit can do great things for your health, it is a powerhouse of blessings when it comes to skin care regimen and has been a star in skin health since age-old times. The essential oil extracted from passion fruit seeds and extracts is used in many skin care products nowadays.  These are some of the skin benefits this juicy fruit offers:

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Side Effects Of Passion Fruit

Just like any other fruit, passion fruit does not have any major side effects per se, yet sometimes in some people, it may cause allergy. Another word of caution is that one must be careful before consuming an unripe passion fruit. Some very young, unripe fruit pulp may contain a toxin called cyanogenic glycoside. This substance is toxic to the human body, and it can cause cyanide poisoning if consumed in high amounts.

Also read: 5 Fruits Low On Glycemic Index That Are Good For Diabetics-Infographic

A simple yet delicious tropical addition, passion fruit is undoubtedly a powerhouse of several potential health benefits and should become a part of your diet whenever it is available to you. Now that you are wondering what all can be done with this sappy fruit, here are two basic and very easy recipes that you can make from this delectable mushy fruit

Mango And Passionfruit Swirl Smoothie


1/2 medium mango, sliced and frozen

2 passion fruits

250 ml unsweetened almond milk

1 cup natural yogurt

2 tsp chia seeds

Extra passion fruit and chia seeds for topping


Cut the passion fruits in half and pull out the flesh

Add the flesh to a blender

Add almond milk, yogurt, and chia seeds

Blend for about a minute until creamy

Do not blend too many as the seeds as they may create lumps

Transfer to a serving bowl

Serve topped with passionfruit and extra chia seeds


A perfect summer smoothie, it has many nutritional benefits due to passion fruit as its key ingredient. Chia present in this smoothie is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that aid heart health.

Banana Passion Fruit smoothie


1 large banana

2 passion fruit

2 cups soymilk

1 tbsp wheat germ

2 drops of vanilla essence

Some ice cubes


Slice the banana into small pieces

Cut the passion fruits and scoop out the seeds

Add banana and passion fruit to the blender

Add the soy milk, wheat germ, and vanilla essence and blend well

Top with ice cubes or they can be blended along with the fruits


A refreshing tropical smoothie ideal for breakfast, if you want a fantastic passion fruit flavor, try this banana recipe. A quick healthy drink that provides loads of energy due to its banana content. Passion fruit adds the remaining nutritional potion, and it will keep you satiated for most of the day.

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